Rescue Crew
If you have the ability to cope with a fairly steep learning curve in mechanical and medical matters and don't mind the occasional bit of 'ketchup' on the odd casualty here and there, then perhaps a volunteer Motorsport Rescue / Stage Safety Unit (SSU) specialist marshal is something that might appeal to you. RSR MS provides FREE full training.
What's Involved in Rescue Training?
You must be a minimum of 18 years and be prepared to attend a Rescue Introductory Day (RID) to see how everybody gets on with each other. Here you will play with the rescue unit equipment to get a better idea of what it’s all about. If everyone’s happy, apply for acceptance to train.
In your first year you will be required to attend one approved Marshal Training Day (Speed, Race or Rally) including fire training and radio procedure training (Rescue Services can organise these). The Rescue Services team will also organise certificated First Aid plus pre-hospital medical gas (oxygen, oximetry and analgesia) and AED training.
Complete a Motor Sports UK Ltd (governing body for UK motor sport) modular training programme detailed in a training record booklet, gathering appropriate signatures. Collecting 10 signatures from any rescue crew chief for attendance at a minimum of 8 MSUK permit organised events such as Rally, Race, Speed (Hillclimb or Sprint) or Competition Safari events, with at least 3 events from each of 2 types of these disciplines (such as 3 Sprint events, the rest Rally, etc.).
Attend a minimum of 2 training days per year, one of which must be ‘facilitated’ (all 10 within a maximum two year period). Finally, attend an approved MSUK Rescue Licensing Assessment. Here you must demonstrate to independent assessors your familiarity and competence in the operation of all rescue equipment including identification and preparation of medical equipment. Thereafter, attend and pass 3 yearly assessments.
Satisfying respective Crew Chiefs that rescue training, rescue event attendances and equipment and technique updates have been completed between assessments (usually two or three weekends run over the quieter winter months).